It was a good conference, held at a great place for conferences. What surprised me the most in comparing it to Search Engine Strategies San Jose 2005, is that this conference seemed to have more "outsider-buyers" along with the usual many "insider-seller webmasters & SEO's-SEM's". At least that is what it appeared like to me at the specific sessions that I attended.
I mainly feel this way, because a session on the use of credit cards with E-Commerce sites had many people asking questions about how best to maximize sales with their sites (probably for the upcoming Christmas season - see "Search Referrals Skyrocketing For Shopping-Comparison Sites"). So, the entire conference was, in my opinion, about helping online buyers get together with online sellers. This is right up my "General Broker Philosophy" alley.
Rather than try to do as good a job of "live coverage" as Rusty Brick of SEO Roundtable fame, here is a link to his conference "Session Wrap Up". I not only met him for the first time, but I sat next to Lee Odden who did his own "PubCon X Wrap Up". They are both better than I at taking down the details of conferences.