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« My Ryland Homes New Home Buying Experience - Brokerblogger | Main | Ryland's Verbal vs. Written Sales Incentives - Brokerblogger »



Here's a thought...if the price of your new home goes up after you close escrow - do you think you should have to pay builder?


To linsay25: No, I don't, but you missed my point. I do explain that a number of home owners in my development told me that they DID get money back from Ryland when Ryland lowered their base prices. So, my expectations were set even before I put a deposit down on my new home. I am still researching to see if that was true, but sales is all about expectations. In this case, Ryland did not set the expectation of a "refund/rebate", other home owners did. Thanks for the comment - good point.

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